Corporate Beggars …Jim Ovia’s Zenith Bank Security Staffs Turn Beggars

Corporate Beggars …Jim Ovia’s.Zenith Bank Security Staffs Turn Beggars

A painful endeavor most likely but then imagine walking into a bank appearing to be an elite or simply appear to fit into an image of comfort. Car keys in hand, a nice dress to boot. Dapper looks gives you away as one whose pocket is full of currency notes, whose bank account is a mountain of six figures or more. One stare at the well polished nice pair of shoes can also turn you into a subject of interest. You receive hello with a smile and a wave that reveals the intention. Five hellos at least. Your briefcase or bag which you don’t need help carrying will be jerked from you, a kind gesture with a tipping tag. Without any wish to –obviously — you surrender yourself to the bait. You are here for a service, you will get one and provide one to the corporate beggers who doubled as security staffs in Zenith Bank. Attention, which you have no obligation to give, is forcefully or tactically drawn from you. In any event like this one, never allow your emotions a free rein or you risk a battle against guilt.

Corporate begging culture, now adopted by Zenith Bank security staff, will lead to an ugly branding of financial institution that seeks always to be a pathfinder. Calling out financial bluffs is a necessary need. It is never a disservice for check and ballance. As a matter of fact, it is indeed a yardstick for improvement. One call deserves a turning point, the result can save altercation, dissatisfaction and growing resentment against the bank.
Listen –this is the worst kind of experience, that it is rarely acknowledged makes it even more so. Submitting oneself to constant, unnecessary corporate begging attack can be depressing. First, it eats up the reputation of the bank. And then, it leaves a sorry taste in everyone’s mouth. Sources have it that customers are greatly saddened by this. This nihilist preoccupation by the security of Zenith bank generates feelings of estrangement. A fraught experience breeds a fraught history. Corporate begging as a a survival valve is an abhorrent, catastrophic solution. A quick-growing behavior, if not eviscerated by making it to die quickly, it opens doors to the exit of customers vowing never to return. The competition is there elsewhere, getting a similar service is as easy as blinking an eye, unhappy customers say.

Economic climate is a factor here. Undeniably. Low income amongst the low tiers another. Disparities in the age of capitalism has been a troubling force to corruption. Stooping low, unabashed by begging, is the bane of economic inequality as some have believed. Better income, better access to basic needs can bring down the walls; the best solution to this. But societies are what they make of themselves. Principles, when followed to the letter, benefits everyone. The message here: Corporate begging is never the answer.

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